Build Secure File Uploader Application


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Here in this blog I am going to leverage the use of Cloud Native Solutions using AWS as cloud platform.

Prerequisites : npm packages and nodejs 14+ version, AWS Account and Visual Code.

  1. Create React App using npm commands.

  2. Edit index.js file, app.js file, css file to have look and feel for your web app.

  3. Test it locally at any port

  4. Create Lambda function containing node.js16+ run time version

  5. Code in such a way to be triggered to post the object into destination S3 Bucket.

  6. Create API GW to call post method and invoke lambda function to program this on your behalf.

  7. You can build your Reactjs app and host it as static website into S3 bucket.

  8. Front end your s3 website with Cloudfront to leverage the use of Caching from edge locations

  9. You can use SAML2.0 Authentication use this web app which will in return redirect to Azure AD or any of the IDP such as Cognito user pool.

  10. Finally Serve this dish to customer.๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ˜‡

  11. Follow me and you can get paid aid as well for this solution.
